Medicare can be so confusing with all its Parts A, B, C, and D. What’s the difference between an Advantage Plan and a Supplement Plan? Do you need a Prescription Drug Plan? When are your Enrollment periods and how to avoid penalties. Can you delay Part B if you’re still working? Should you keep your employer plan when you go on Medicare? Are you disabled? Do you know about the Medicare Savings Program and need extra help? These are some the concerns and questions Christie handles everyday for her clients. She calls it navigating the Medicare Maze and she will guide you through it from start to finish. You will be educated and informed about all the choices available to you. Once enrolled in a plan, Christie is always available to answer questions and concerns about benefits and coverages especially during Annual Enrollment Period. You can contact Christie today for a free consultation .
We specialize in Medicare Advantage, Supplement and Part D Prescription Drug Plans that help the senior community with their insurance coverage.
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